Honestly, trying to travel with bars can be a nuisance...especially when they need to go through baggage claim. This carry case will protect your bars during transit!
The bamboo round on the top helps prevent the bar from sticking to the top of the container if it gets jumbled in transit or your bag gets turned upside down. Comes with a little coaster that lets water escape so your bars don't have to ever sit directly on tile or the ground in an outdoor shower. A waterlogged bar is an unhappy bar.
Fits Mini Conditioners
100% Bamboo
Honestly, trying to travel with bars can be a nuisance...especially when they need to go through baggage claim. This carry case will protect your bars during transit!
The bamboo round on the top helps prevent the bar from sticking to the top of the container if it gets jumbled in transit or your bag gets turned upside down. Comes with a little coaster that lets water escape so your bars don't have to ever sit directly on tile or the ground in an outdoor shower. A waterlogged bar is an unhappy bar.
Fits Mini Conditioners
100% Bamboo